Cardinal Number

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Penulisan dan Pengucapan Nomor Untuk Menyatakan Jumlah

  • Cardinal Numbers:
    1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 31 thirty-one 41 forty-one
    2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 32 thirty-two 42 forty-two
    3 three 13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 33 thirty-three 43 forty-three
    4 four 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 34 thirty-four 44 forty-four
    5 five 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 35 thirty-five 45 forty-five
    6 six 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 36 thirty-six 46 forty-six
    7 seven 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 37 thirty-seven 47 forty-seven
    8 eight 18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 38 thirty-eight 48 forty-eight
    9 nine 19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine 39 thirty-nine 49 forty-nine
    10 ten 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty
51 fifty-one 61 sixty-one 71 seventy-one 81 eighty-one 91 ninety-one
52 fifty-two 62 sixty-two 72 seventy-two 82 eighty-two 92 ninety-two
53 fifty-three 63 sixty-three 73 seventy-three 83 eighty-three 93 ninety-three
54 fifty-four 64 sixty-four 74 seventy-four 84 eighty-four 94 ninety-four
55 fifty-five 65 sixty-five 75 seventy-five 85 eighty-five 95 ninety-five
56 fifty-six 66 sixty-six 76 seventy-six 86 eighty-six 96 ninety-six
57 fifty-seven 67 sixty-seven 77 seventy-seven 87 eighty-seven 97 ninety-seven
58 fifty-eight 68 sixty-eight 78 seventy-eight 88 eighty-eight 98 ninety-eight
59 fifty-nine 69 sixty-nine 79 seventy-nine 89 eighty-nine 99 ninety-nine
60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred

200 two hundred 2000 two thousand 20,000 twenty thousand
300 three hundred 3000 three thousand 30,000 thirty thousand
400 four hundred 4000 four thousand 40,000 forty thousand
500 five hundred 5000 five thousand 50,000 fifty thousand
600 six hundred 6000 six thousand 60,000 sixty thousand
700 seven hundred 7000 seven thousand 70,000 seventy thousand
800 eight hundred 8000 eight thousand 80,000 eightt thousand
900 nine hundred 9000 nine thousand 90,000 ninety thousand
1,000 one thousand 10000 ten thousand 100000 one hundred thousand

200,000 two hundred thousand 2,000,000 two million 20,000,000 twenty million
300,000 three hundred thousand 3,000,000 three million 30,000,000 thirty million
400,000 four hundred thousand 4,000,000 four million 40,000,000 forty million
500,000 five hundred thousand 5,000,000 five million 50,000,000 fifty million
600,000 six hundred thousand 6,000,000 six million 60,000,000 sixty million
700,000 seven hundred thousand 7,000,000 seven million 70,000,000 seventy million
800,000 eight hundred thousand 8,000,000 eight million 80,000,000 eighty million
900,000 nine hundred thousand 9,000,000 nine million 90,000,000 ninety million
1,000,000 one million 10,000,000 ten million 100,000,000 one hundred million

200,000,000 two hundred million

300,000,000 three hundred million

400,000,000 four hundred million

500,000,000 five hundred million

600,000,000 six hundred million

700,000,000 seven hundred million

800,000,000 eight hundred million

900,000,000 nine hundred million

1,000,000,000 one milliard = one billion

  • Untuk menuliskan angka di atas 20 dengan huruf, tanda hyphen (-) digunakan untuk memisahkan antara puluhan dengan satuan.
    Contoh :
    23: twenty-three
    35: thirty-five
  • Contoh membaca angka:
    101: one hundred and one
    110: one hundred and ten
    175: one hundred and seventy-five
    256: two hundred and fifty-five
    1237: one thousand two hundred and thirty-seven
    4598: four thousand five hundred and ninety eight
  • Dalam British English (British), kata and untuk memisahkan antara ratusan dengan puluhan atau satuan selalu digunakan. Kata and diucapkan /n/ dan stress-nya terletak pada angka terakhir. Dalam American English (America), kata and sering dihilangkan.
    234 (British): two hundred and thirty-four (dalam pengucapan, stress terletak pada kata four)
    234 (America): two hundred thirty-four
  • Tanda baca : Untuk menulis angka yang besar, ribuan dipisahkan dengan spasi (British) atau tanda koma.
    1,235,750 = 1 235 750
    2,491,952 = 2 491 952
  • Tanda baca : Terbalik dengan sistem penulisan angka decimal dalam bahasa Indonesia, dalam bahasa Inggris pemisah antar ribuan menggunakan tanda koma, sedang tanda titik digunakan untuk memisahkan pecahan.
    Bahasa Indonesia Dibaca Bahasa Inggris Dibaca
    750.000.00 tujuh ratus lima puluh ribu 750,000.00 seven hundred and fifty thousand
    55.000,00 lima puluh lima ribu 55,000.00 fifty-five thousand
  • Cardinal numbers diantaranya digunakan untuk menyatakan harga (price) --> mata uang (currency)
    US $1,945,000.00 : one thousand nine hundred and forty-five thousand dollars
    It costs Rp. 235.000,00. = It costs two hundred and thirty-five thousand rupiahs.
    It cost US $235,000.00 = It costs two hundred and thirty-five thousand US dollars.
    It is $235 = It is two hundred thirty-five dollars.
  • Cardinal numbers juga bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan:
    a. waktu (time):
    Contoh :
    We left at 02:35 PM: We left at two twenty-five. = We left at twenty-five to three.
    (To know more, click How to Tell the Time in English)
    b. mengeja nomor telpun (telephone number)
    310516 : three one ow five one six
    081578136323: oh eight one five seven eight one three six three two three
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