Showing posts with label Procedure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Procedure. Show all posts

Materi Pembelajaran Daring Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester Ganjil (Procedure Text)

 Materi Pembelajaran Daring Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester Ganjil (Procedure Text)


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Procedure Text 

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Buku Pegangan

Think Globally Act Locally SMP/MTs Kelas IX. Kemendikbud RI 2018. Jakarta. Page 80-105.

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A. Pengertian Procedure Text
Sebelum menjelaskan tentang generic structure, ciri-ciri procedure text dan contohnya, saya akan memulai penjelasan ini mendefinisikan pengertian procedure text baik dalam bahasa Inggris maupun dalam bahasa Indonesia. “Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps”. Jadi yang dimaksud dengan procedure text adalah sebuah genre of text yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan atau dicapai melalui urutan tindakan atau langkah yang benar.

B. Tujuan Procedure Text
Tujuan komunikatif dari procedure text adalah bagaimana seorang penulis mampu memahamkan pembaca tentang cara melakukan, menyelesaikan atau mencapai sesuatu dengan cara yang runtut dan benar atau prosedural. Sebenarnya dilihat dari istilahnya, kita tentu sudah bisa memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan procedure text. Jadi mungkin ini adalah salah satu genre of text yang tanpa dijelaskan sebelumnya tapi kita sudah dapat meraba apa maksud tujuan teks ini.

C. Generic Structure Procedure Text
  1. The Goal of ActivityPada bagian ini, penulis mencoba menjelaskan tentang apa yang akan dibuat atau dicapai melalui serangkaian langkah yang akan dijelaskan pada paragraf berikutnya sehingga pembaca tidak salah paham tentang apa yang sedang dibicarakan.
  2. Any Material Needed for ProcedureSetelah pembaca mengetahui sesuatu apa yang akan dibuat atau dicapai, kemudian penulis memaparkan materi atau bahan-bahan yang harus dipersiapkan atau dibutuhkan agar sesuatu tersebut dapat dicapai dengan baik. Jadi pastikan semua bahan atau materi sudah lengkap sebelum mulai membuatnya.
  3. Steps to Achieve the goalJika bahan-bahan atau materi yang dibutuhkan sudah lengkap, barulah penulis memberitahukan langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan secara runtut atau urut. Jadi pada bagian ini penulis harus menjelaskannya secara urut dan tidak boleh loncat-loncat.
  4. ConclusionKesimpulan yang berisi tentang hasil akhir dari apa yang telah dikerjakan sesuai dengan langkah-langkah yang telah ditentukan.

D. Ciri-ciri Redaksi Procedure Text
  1. Fokus pada agen manusia umum.
  2. Penggunaan present tense.
  3.  sering Imperatif/bentuk perintah, seperti: buatlah (make), gunakanlah (use) dsb.
  4. Penggunaan conjuctions temporal (atau penomeran untuk menunjukkan urutan).
Contoh: then, after that, before, after, while, dan lain sebagainya.

E. Contoh Procedure Text

Contoh 1: How to Make a Milkshake

A milkshake is a sweet, cold beverage which is usually made from milk, ice cream, or iced milk, and flavorings or sweeteners such as butterscotch, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, or fruit syrup. If you want to make a delicious milkshake by your selves, then this is the way how to make it.
The ingredients that you need to make a milkshake are:
  • 4 cups vanilla ice cream
  • 2 cups milk
  • 4 teaspoons chocolate sauce (optional)
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
Now, follow these steps to make a milkshake.
  1. Place milkshake glasses into the freezer. Using cold glasses will help the shake stay cool to give you time to enjoy. Leave for up to an hour if possible.
  2. Soften ice cream. It is easier to make a shake when the ice cream is slightly soft. Take the ice cream out of the freezer a few minutes before making your shake.
  3. Place the ingredients into a blender. Mix the ice cream, milk and added flavors into the blender. Blend on high for one minute. Don’t leave in the blender for longer or the shake will melt quickly.
  4. Pour shakes into frosty glasses. Take the glasses out of the freezer as soon as the blending is complete. Then pour the shake mixture in.
  5. Drop a straw into the shake, then enjoy. You can sip a shake right from the glass but somehow the straw adds to the flavor and the experience.
If you do not have a blender, you may substitute with a mixer, but be careful as it could be messy. And if you do not have anything else to mix, just use a spoon, but let the ice cream thaw first to make the milkshake easier to mix. Enjoy your milkshake.
  1. Paragraf pertama: the Goal. Penulis berusaha menjelaskan apa itu milkshake dan mengapa ia menulis tulisan ini, yaitu ingin memberitahu pembaca bagaimana cara membuat milkshake.
  2. Paragraf kedua: the Materials Needed. Berisi bahan-bahan yang harus dipersiapkan dan dibutuhkan untuk membuat milkshake.
  3. Paragraf ketiga: Steps, yang berisi langkah-langkah yang dishare oleh penulis untuk membuat milkshake dari langkah pertama hingga menjadi milkshake.
  4. Paragraf keempat: Conclusion. Jadi kesimpulannya, karena namanya shake (dikocok) maka pembuatan milkshake harus menggunakan alat bantu seperti blender, jika tidak punya, penulis menganjurkan menggunakan mixer, bahkan jika tidak punya sama sekali, maka bisa menggunakan spon.

How To Set up Gas Stove

Things to prepare:
  • a gas tube
  • a gas regulator
  • a stove hose
  • a gas stove
  1. Locate the gas tube in a safe place.
  2. Make sure the cap is closed before removing it.
  3. Attach the gas regulator to the stove hose by screwing them together.
  4. Connect the regulator to the tube.
  5. Make sure that there is no gas smell.
  6. Turn the regulator on.
  7. It is ready to turn the stove on
How To Set up Gas Stove 

Recycling Paper


  • Old paper, magazines, or newspapers Bleach
  • Blender/food processor White glue
  • Bucket Iron
  • Insect screens/strainers Water
  • Wire

First, shape wires into a rectangular shape. Then, cover the wire frame with insect screens and sew it. After that, rip the paper into small pieces. And then, put the torn paper in a bucket and fill it with warm water. Add one table spoon of bleach. Soak the paper for a half an hour. Next, put a cup of soaked paper in a blender, add some bleached water and blend it. And then, pour the blended paper in a large rectangular container. e.g. sink or tray. After that, repeat step 5 and 6 until all of the soaked paper are blended. Then, add and mix two table spoon of white glue to the blended paper. After that, dip the screen frame into the blended paper. Lift and rinse the water for a minute. Then, dry the paper (with the screen frame still on) in the sun. And then, peel the papers out of the frame screens when it’s dry. Finally, iron the paper.
Adapted from:

1. What is the main purpose of the text in Task 20?
2. When should we blend the paper?
3. How long do we have to soak the paper?
4. Where should we put the blended paper?
5. How much glue do we have to add?
6. How do we dry the paper?


Old CDs
Hair dryer/oven
Metal bowl
Small saucer/something to cover the CD hole
First, place the CD in a metal bowl and heat it with a hair dryer. Or put it in the oven
on low heat. Then, bend the CD softly when it softens. After that, let it cool off.
Finally, glue a small plastic saucer or anything to cover the hole.
Adapted from:


  1. What do you learn from the text?
  2. What do you need to make a bowl from CDs?
  3. What are the steps to make a bowl from CDs?
  4. What is the hair dryer for?
  5. Can we use other things to heat the CD?
  6. Why do we need to heat the CD? 

Gulai Kikil

 Gulai Kikil ( Indonesian Cow's Foot Curry )


  • 1 Foot of cow
  • 4 cups Coconut milk
  • 1 Turmeric leaf
  • 2 seed of False mangosteen ( Common english name for "Asam Kandis"). It's also called "Gamboge tree", "Eggtree", "Sour mangosteen", "Cochin-goraka".
  • 2 Kaffir lime leaves
  • 1 stalk Lemongrass

Blended spices:

  1. 1 tbsp Blended red chilies
  2. 2 cm Turmeric
  3. 5 pcs Candlenuts
  4. 2 cm Laos / Galangal
  5. 6 cloves Garlic
  6. 10 pcs Shallots

How To:

  1. Clean the cow's foot and its hair, cut into several pieces and cook until tender.
  2. Remove the bones and then cut the meat into small sizes according to your preference.
  3. Cook the coconut milk together with the blended spices, kaffir lime leaves, kandis acid (false mangosteen) and the lemongrass.
  4. Add the meat pieces and cook until the coconut milk thickens and oily.
  5. Keep stirring until it's well cooked to prevent the coconut milk from dissolving.
  6. Lift.


How to Make Tomato Soup

To make a bowl of tomato soup, you must prepare all ingredients below:

  • 4 large tomatoes
  • spices
  • 1 small onion
  •  ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 8 cups of water
  • ¼ teaspoon of pepper
  • small clove garlic
  • ¼ teaspoon of butter

Here are the steps to make a bowl of tomato soup:

  1. Cut tomatoes, onions, and garlic into small pieces.
  2. Fry them in a pan with butter for five minutes.
  3. Add water, spices, salt and pepper.
  4. Heat until the water boils.
  5. Turn down the heat and cover with lid. Cook gently for one hour.

How to Make a Mango Juice

How to Make a Mango Juice

  • a piece of mango
  • a half glass of water
  • a glass of ice pack
  • a spoon of sugar

  1. First, peel the mango and clean it
  2. Next, cut the mango into pieces and put them into the juicer
  3. Then, put the water, ice and sugar
  4. After that turn on the juice and wait about 15 seconds
  5. Finally, pour the mango juice into the glass and ready to drink

How to Make a Milkshake

The ingredients that you need to make a milkshake are:

    4 cups vanilla ice cream
    2 cups milk
    4 teaspoons chocolate sauce (optional)
    1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries

Now, follow these steps to make a milkshake.

    Place milkshake glasses into the freezer. Using cold glasses will help the shake stay cool to give you time to enjoy. Leave for up to an hour if possible.
    Soften ice cream. It is easier to make a shake when the ice cream is slightly soft. Take the ice cream out of the freezer a few minutes before making your shake.
    Place the ingredients into a blender. Mix the ice cream, milk and added flavors into the blender. Blend on high for one minute. Don’t leave in the blender for longer or the shake will melt quickly.
    Pour shakes into frosty glasses. Take the glasses out of the freezer as soon as the blending is complete. Then pour the shake mixture in.
    Drop a straw into the shake, then enjoy. You can sip a shake right from the glass but somehow the straw adds to the flavor and the experience.

How to Make Ice Cream

You need these ingredients to make ice cream:

    2 cups milk (not skim) or cream
    2 tablespoons sugar
    1 teaspoon Vanilla extract (can substitute other flavoring.)
    Several cups of Ice (the smaller the pieces, the better)
    1 cup salt (rock salt is best, but table salt can also be used)

You need these supplies to make ice cream

     Tub or large coffee can to hold salt and ice
    Glass bowl or small coffee can
    Electric mixer or whisk
    Ice cream scoop
    Storage container for freezer

Here are the instructions that you must follow to make ice cream

    Setting up the cooling apparatus. Stir ice and salt in the larger container. Double-check that the small container will fit into the larger one even with the ice.
    Combine the ingredients. Mix together the milk, sugar, and vanilla in the glass bowl. Then, set this bowl in the tub filled with ice and rock salt, making sure that the salt water does not spill into the bowl. Instead of a glass bowl and tub, you can also use a small coffee can inside a large coffee can.
    Mix the ice cream. Mix the ingredients in the small container vigorously. The salty ice mixture will cool the mixture down until it turns into ice cream. Mix very thoroughly. If you're using a whisk instead of an electric mixer in your glass bowl, you'll have to stir very hard, or ice crystals will form in the ice cream. If you are using the coffee can method, make sure both cans are well sealed, and then roll and shake to mix the ice cream mixture. It should take about 10 to 15 minutes to stir the ice cream using either method. Stir until it is free from ice crystals and is the right consistency.
    Storage and serving. If you don't eat the ice cream right away, be sure to store it in the freezer so that it doesn't melt.

Procedure Text

Apa itu Procedure Text? Procedure Text adalah salah satu jenis teks bahasa Inggris atau yang biasa disebut genre yang menunjukan sebuah proses dalam membuat atau mengoprasikan sesuatu yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan bagaimana sesuatu dikerjakan melalui langkah-langkah yang teratur.

Tujuan Komunikatif Procedure Text

Tujuan Komunikatif dari Procedure Text adalaha memberikan petunjuk tentang cara melakukan sesuatu melalui tindakan-tindakan atau langkah-langkah yang urut.

Generic Sturcture Procedure Text

Generic Structure dari Procedure Text terdiri dari 3 bagian, yaitu:

1. Aim/ Goal
Pada generic sturcture bagian pertama dari Procdeure Text ini berisi informasi mengenai tujuan dalam pembuatan atau pengoprasian sesuatu.

2. Materials
Pada bagian ke-dua, Materials teridiri dari bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam membuat sesuatu. Tapi tidak semua Procedure Text menyertakan bagian materials, adakalanya sebuah Procedure text tidak memiliki bagian materials.
Ada tiga jenis procedural text yang tidak menggunakan bagian materials, yaitu:
  • Procedural text yang menjelasakan bagiamana sesuatu bekerja atau bagaimana cara melakukan instruksi secara manual. Contohnya : How to use the video game, the computer, the tape recorder, the fax, etc.
  • Procedural text yang menginsturksikan bagaimana melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas tertentu dengan peraturanya. Contohnya : raod safety rules, video game rules, etc.
  • Procedural text yang berhubungan dengan sifat atau kebaiasaan manusia. Contohnya How to live happily, How to secceed.
3. Steps
Pada bagian steps, berisi tentang langkah-langkah atau urutan-urutan yang harus dilakukan agar tujuan yang diuraikan pada baigan Aim/ Goal bisa tercapai. Langkah-langkah atau urutan-urutan tersebut haruslah urut dari yang pertama hingga terakhir.

Ciri Kebahasaan Procedure Text

Terdapat beberapa ciri kebahasaan dalam Procedure Text, diantaranya yaitu:
1. Mengguanakan pola kalimat imperative (Perintah), misalnya, Cut, Don’t mix, dsb.
2. Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya turn, put, don’t, mix, dsb.
3. Menggunakan connectives (kata penghubung) untuk mengurutkan kegiatan, misalnya then, while, dsb.
4. Menggunakan adverbials (kata keterangan) untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, tempat, cara yang akurat, misalnya for five minutes, 2 hours, dsb.
5. Menggunakan simple present.

Di bawah ini penulis hadirkan dua contoh dari Procedure Text, baik yang menyertakan materials atau pun yang tidak. Chech this out.

1. Planting Chilies

Aim/ Goal
Planting is a nice activity in our spare time. The following is guided information on how to plant a chili-plant easily. Here are the steps.

Firstly, dry a handful seeding under the sunlight.
Secondly, put the seeding on the soil. It should be in open area
Next, wait it. There will come out the sprout after that let it be bigger.
Finally, put it in another big pot. It will soon grow bigger and bigger and yield us some fresh chilies soon.

2. How to Make a Cheese Omelet

Aim/ Goal
How to Make a Cheese Omelet

1 egg, 50 g cheese, ¼ cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking, oil, a pinch of salt and pepper.
Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, plate.

1. Crack an egg into a bowl
2. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth
3. Add milk and whisk well
4. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
5. Heat the oil in a frying pan
6. Pour the mixture into the frying pan
7. Turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns
8. Cook both sides
9. Place on a plate; season with salt and pepper
10. Eat while warm.

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