Showing posts with label Jenis Text bahasa Inggris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jenis Text bahasa Inggris. Show all posts


Parts of a Personal Letter 
-address (sometimes not included) and the date

-always ends with a comma

-there are two types of greetings:

   a)  formal  i.e.) Dear

   b)  informal  i.e.) Hi, Greetings

-heart of the letter

-ends with a comma

Signature Line

Writing a Friendly or Personal Letter 
A friendly or personal letter has 5 main parts.
HEADING: Includes the address and the date. In some cases, it is OK to just write the date.
GREETING: The greeting usually starts with 'Dear' and is followed the person's name and then a comma.
BODY: After skipping a line, you begin the body of your letter which is the main text of your letter. Indent for each new paragraph.
CLOSING: The closing includes a short capitalized expression such as 'Sincerely' or 'Love' and is followed by a comma. Skip a line after the body before writing your closing.
SIGNATURE: You sign your name beginning directly below the closing.
Sometimes you may add a POSTSCRIPT at the end of your letter. You write P.S., add a note and then end it with your initials.

Example of Personal Letter:

Personal Letter


  1. A written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something.
  2. The action of inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something.

The invitation card is a written paper or electronic image that is sent to people for different occasions. The message informs a receiver about an event to which he is invited. Invitation cards can be customized (different sizes, colors, themes, materials, fonts and folding designs) and made out of multiple materials (paper, tissue, textile, plastic).

The invitation cards are sent with different occasions: wedding, baby shower, bridal shower, birthday party, celebrations and anniversaries. There are different designs for each occasion, specially made to express the type of event. For example, a wedding invitation might illustrate two wedding rings, while a birthday party invitation might illustrate colored balloons and confetti.

Example of  Invitation Card:

Invitation Card


A greeting card is an illustrated, folded card featuring an expression of friendship or other sentiment. Although greeting cards are usually given on special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas or other holidays, they are also sent to convey thanks or express other feeling. Greeting cards, usually packaged with an envelope, come in a variety of styles. [wikipedia]

Example of Greeting Card:

Greeting Card

Short Message

Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service component of phone, web, or mobile communication systems, using standardized communications protocols that allow the exchange of short text messages between fixed line or mobile phone devices. [wikipedia]

SMS stands for short message service and is also called texting or text messaging. SMS messages or ‘texts’ are usually sent from one mobile phone to another, but can also be sent from some home phones. It is a quick and convenient way of sending a short message to someone. [BBC]

Example of Short Message

Short Message


An announcement is similar to a report except it has more immediate information. There is usually an announcement on the TOEIC test.

Example of Announcement:



A fax (facsimile) is like a letter except it is delivered electronically on a fax machine. The main difference in format is the additional piece of information that tells how many pages were sent as part of a fax.

Fax (short for facsimile), sometimes called telecopying, is the telephonic transmission of scanned printed material (both text and images), normally to a telephone number connected to a printer or other output device. The original document is scanned with a fax machine (or a telecopier), which processes the contents (text or images) as a single fixed graphic image, converting it into a bitmap, and then transmitting it through the telephone system. The receiving fax machine reconverts the coded image, printing a paper copy. []

Example of Fax:


A calendar is a form for keeping track of future events or activities. The calendar could be personal, like a daily diary, or professional, like a timeline for completion of a project.

Example of Calendar:


A schedule is a printed from with lists of information: stock prices, train departure times, payment schedules, etc.

Schedule (workplace), a list of employees who are working on any given day, week, or month in a workplace
Schedule (project management), a list of a project's terminal elements with intended start and finish dates
Schedule (computer science), a list of actions from a set of transactions in databases

Example of Schedule:


Article (publishing), a piece of nonfictional prose that is an independent part of a publication

A newspaper article is a passage written by a journalist for a newspaper. Usually the topic is very current, but there are many kinds of newspapers: some out daily, others weekly. Even companies may have their own internal newspaper which, because of their small size, are often called newsletters.

Like a newspaper article, a magazine article is written by a journalist. The topic could be any subject.

Example of Newspaper / Magazine Article



A notice is information that the writer feels the general public or specific product users must be made aware of. There are often notices attached to walls and public buildings or enclosed with product literature.

Example of Notice:


A graph is a drawing that shows the relationship between variables. There can be line graphs, bar graphs, or pie graphs.

Graph may refer to:
A graphic (such as a line chart, plot, chart or diagram) depicting the relationship between two or more variables used, for instance, in visualising scientific data.

Example of Graph:


A chart is a graphical representation of data, in which "the data is represented by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart". A chart can represent tabular numeric data, functions or some kinds of qualitative structures.

A chart can be either a table or a graph. Charts are found in most printed materials.

Example of Chart:


An index is a compilation of information that people can use to find additional information. A telephone book is an example of an index.

Index (publishing), a detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.

Index cards in a rolodex or old library card catalog, early and mid 20th century technologies for maintaining such lists

Example of Index:


A table is compilation of data that is useful for quick comparison. Tables could be on most any subject. Look for tables in English-language newspaper or magazines or also material printed in your own language.

Example of Table:


A memorandum (memo) is an internal form of communication that is sent from one member of a company to a member of the same company. Today these memos (memoranda) are often sent by computer. Computer mail is referred to as e-mail, short for electronic mail.

Example of Memo:


Letters, the collected correspondence of a writer or historically significant person.

The important information is generally contained in the body of the letter – the part between the greeting (Dear…) and the closing (Sincerely yours).

Example of letter:


A form is a template: a standard form that an individual adds information to. These could include magazine subscription forms, purchase orders, immigration forms, hotel check-in forms, telephone message blanks, etc.

Form may also refer to the following:

Example of form:


Advertisements are similar to those found in magazines or newspapers. You can find other examples in English-language newspapers and magazines and ask yourself questions about the products being advertised.

Advertising or advertizing is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common.  
In Latin, ad vertere means “to turn the mind toward.”
The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as blogs, websites or text messages.[]

Example of advertisement:

Jenis Text Bahasa Inggris (Text Type/Genre)

Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat beberapa types of text atau yang biasa disebut dengan Genre. Klasifikasi Genre dalam bahasa Inggris depengaruhi oleh beberapa hal, diantaranya: Tujuan penulis menuliskan teks tersebut, fungsi dari teks tersebut, struktur kebahasaan (Generic Structure) yang dipakai, ciri-ciri bahasa apa yang digunakan dalam teks tersebut.

English Types of Text dipelajari sebagai materi pembelajaran utama dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk sekolah menengah atas. kebanyakan waktu ketika mempelajari English Types of Text dihabiskan untuk membahas Generic Structure dan Language Features yang diganakan sebagai bahan menyusun sebuah teks. Generic structure dan Language Features inilah yang menjadi pembeda di setiap jenis teks Bahasa Inggris yang ada.

Terdapat 13 jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris yang kita ketahui yaitu dimulai dari 
  1. Narrative Text,  
  2. Recount Text,   
  3. Procedure Text
  4. Report Text,  
  5. Analyticl Exposition Text
  6. Hortatory Exposition Text,  
  7. Explanation Text,  
  8. Descriptive Text,  
  9. Discussion Text,  
  10. News Item Text,  
  11. Review Text,  
  12. Anecdote Text,  
  13. Spoof Text.

Tetapi pada dasarnya teks dalam Bahasa Inggris dibagi menjadi 3 jenis teks utama, yaitu:


Jenis teks yang termasuk kedalam kelompok Narrative text adalah Narrative Text, Recount Text, Anecdote Text dan News Items Text. Semua jenis tersebut di atas tergolong ke dalam Narrative teks yang mana berfungsi untuk menceritakan sebuah peristiwa dan menginformasikan kepada pembaca tentang suatu peristiwa.


Jenis teks yang termasuk kedalam kelompok Descriptive text adalah Report Text, Descriptive Text dan Explanation Text yang mana jenis teks ini lebih menekankan pada penggambaran sesuatu dan cenderung menggunakan kata-kata yang mengandung arti mendeskrpsikan.


Jenis teks yang termasuk ke dalam kelompok Argumentative Text adalah Analytical Exposition Text, Hortatory Exposition Text, dan Descussion Text yang mana jenis teks ini lebih menekankan kepada alasan untuk mendukung atau mematahkan suatu anggapan atau fenomena yang terjadi.

Explanation Text

Explanation Text 

Explanation text (teks explanation) adalah sebuah teks yang berisi tentang proses-proses yang berhubungan dengan fenomena-fenomena alam, soisal, ilmu pengetahuan, budaya dan lainnya. Sebuah Explanation text biasanya berasal dari pertanyaan penulis terkait ‘why’ dan ‘how’ terhadap suatu fenomena yang ada.

Tujuan Komunikatif Explanation Text

Tujuan komunikatif dari Explanation text adalah untuk menerangkan proses-proses yang terjadi dalam pembentukan atau kegiatan yang terkait dengan fenomena-fenomena alam, sosial, ilmu pengetahuan, budaya, dan lainnya yang bertujuan menjelaskan.

Generic Structur Explanation Text

Terdapat tiga bagian dalam struktur kalimat Explanation Text, yaitu:

1. A general statement
Dalam general statement berisi tentang penjelasan umum tentang fenomena yang akan dibahas, bisa berupa pengenalan fenomena tersebut atau penjelasannya.

2. A squenced of explanation
A squenced of explanation berisi tentang penjelasan proses mengapa fenomena tersebut bisa terjadi atau tercipta. A squenced of explanation berupa jawaban dari pertanyaan ‘why’ dan ‘how’ penulis ketika membuat sebuah Explanation text. Dalam squenced of explanation bisa terdiri lebih dari satu paragrap.

3. Closing
Sebenarnya closing itu tidak tercantum dalam generic structure dari Explanation text, tetapi kebanyakan orang beranggapan bahwa paragrap terakhir dari sebuah Explanation text adalah closing, padahal itu merupakan bagian dari squenced of explantaion yang berisi tentang langkah akhir yang dijelaskan pada bagian squenced of explanation.

Language features Explanation Text

Dalam sebuah explanation text, terdapat ciri-ciri kebahasaan seperti di bawah ini, yaitu:
  • Menggunakan simpel present tense
  • Mengguankan abstract noun (kata benda yang nampak)
  • Mengguanakan Passive voice
  • Menggunakan Action verbs

Contoh Explanation Text

Untuk menambah pemahaman anda mengenai penjelasan Explanation Text di atas, penulis sertakan juga contoh explanation text berikut ini:

Making Paper from Woodchips

General statement
Woodchipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper products from forest trees. The woodchipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area of the forest called a coupe.

Squence of explanation
Next the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper which cuts them into small pieces called woodchips. The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities. At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into pulp by chemicals and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed.

Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper.
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