My Vacation at Home

Posted by Admin. Category:

Begining the first semester break I’m just at home and do activites on the day my week. I’m at home just watching TV, playing, and cleaning the house.

I wake up and directly watch tv with my sister and seeing cartoon show. I watch TV from 06.00 a.m to 08.00 a.m in the bedroom. In the evening I was watcing TV from 19.00 p.m till 21.30 p.m watching  joke show. I watching TV while eating snack and don’t forget my phone beside me.

At  10.00 a.m I rushed a shower and went to the aunt’s house to play online games and play playstation with my cousin. I play game in the livingroom and playing games Plants Vs Zombies and don’t  forget accompanied snack. After playing the game until 12.00 noon I went home and help mom cooking for lunch.

After helping my mother cooking  I wash clothes. At 15.30 p.m I sweep all the room at home alone. I never mooping home because my father is mooping all home. After that I shawered and left recitation of Qur’an.

That’s my current activities in the home of vacation time.

By Mila Nurlaili
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